Sunday, April 26, 2009

The Spirit of ihsan

Ihsan (Arabic: احسان), also ehsan or ahsan is an Arabic term meaning "perfection" or "excellence," which is related to the word "goodness" (Ara. husn). It is a matter of taking one's inner faith (iman) and showing it in both deed and action, a sense of social responsibility borne from religious convictions. In Islam, ihsan is the Muslim responsibility to obtain perfection, or excellence, in worship, such that Muslims try to worship God (Arabic Allah) as if they see Him, and although they cannot see Him (due to the belief that Allah is not made of materials), they undoubtedly believe that He is constantly watching over them. That definition comes from the hadith (known as the Hadith of Gabriel) in which Muhammad states, "[Ihsan is] to worship God as though you see Him, and if you cannot see Him, then indeed He sees you." (Al-Bukhari and Al-Muslim).[1] In contrast to the emphases of islam (what one should do) and iman (why one should do), the concept of ihsan is primarily associated with intention. One who "does what is beautiful" is called a muhsin. It is generally held that a person can only achieve true ihsan with the help and guidance of Allah, who governs all things.
With this spirit in mind, IHSAN (IISSA Help & Support Network) was initiated. As education is vital for the future of our children, making sure that they receive good education is equally important. We believe that teaching and learning would be far better if everybody (parents and teachers) comes together to create a conducive environment for the children to grow and learn. So it is our aim to extend the extra help and support needed for ISSA to be an excellent place for our children to learn and study.

The aims that IHSAN will strive to meet are as follows :

1. To help create a conducive environment for teaching and learning at IISSA.
2. To promote a sense of goodwill among all parties related to IISSA (parents, students, teachers, staff etc).
3. To function as a platform for discussion between parents and teachers on matters related to IISSA.
4. To support all activities related to IISSA’s vision and missions.
5. To help and support parents morally as well as financially whenever the need arises regarding the well-being of their children at IISSA.

In order to achieve our aims we pray to Allah for help and guidance. IHSAN has also established a few small committee to carry out our missions (as shown in the following diagram )

How can you help ?

It is our sole intention to help the school in whatever circumstances it is in; in doing so we believe that our children will benefit the most. Therefore parents’ help is the utmost important source that can realize this thought. Our contribution with ikhlas will create good support with barakah and this will nurture a solid islamic foundation for our children to love ‘ilm, respect the elders and practice islam. Contribution could be in cash or kinds. Please contact our Treasurer (En Herizal) if you need further details on this matter.


IHSAN activities are planned as follows :
Mei :Gathering dan Tazkirah
Jun : 1 Day Seminar
Julai : Committee Meeting
Ogos : Ihya’ Ramadhan
September : Program Ramadhan
Oktober : Eid-ul-Fitri
November : Ihtifal (bersama program IISSA)
Disember : Family Day
The dates and venue will be informed in due time.

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